About the Journal
Provides a platform for the publication that includes original contributions of fundamental research in all branches of the theory and practice of chemical and material science.
Hence the target audience is made up of academicians and industrial chemists with peripheral or focused interests in chemistry.
Our scope covers the breadth of the chemical sciences, including: Analytical Chemistry, Bioorganic/Medicinal Chemistry, Biomaterials Chemistry, Catalysis, Energy, Chemical Biology, Coordination Chemistry, Crystal Engineering, Sustainable Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Inorganic Materials, Main group Chemistry, Nanoscience, Organic Chemistry, Organic Materials, Organometallics, Physical Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Synthetic Methodology, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry etc.
The journal also welcomes submissions from outside (or in between) of the traditional subject areas. Interdisciplinary articles, with an emphasis on Chemical and Material Science, are certainly encouraged. The journal also considers manuscripts related to specific industries, for example agriculture, food, and petroleum.
As well as original research, Pakistan journal of Chemical and Material Science also publishes focused review articles that examine the state of the art, identify emerging trends, and suggest future directions for developing fields.